SASL passwords
If you don’t want your mail server to use existing system accounts, you can create a separate database of users and passwords that is independent of the system password mechanism. You can create accounts for email users who have mail access only and will not be able to log into the host itself. Include the following line in your smtpd.conf file:
pwcheck_method: auxprop
The term auxprop comes from the Cyrus notion of auxiliary property plug-ins. Plug-ins allow you to insert external programs for authentication. The Cyrus SASL distri- bution ships with sasldb as the default auxiliary property plug-in and that should be all you need to work with Postfix. The keyword auxprop simply says to use an external SASL password file.
You do not have to run the saslauthd daemon when using SASL passwords, but you must create the external password file containing credentials for all of your email accounts. By default, the SASL username/password file is kept at /etc/sasldb2. The Postfix SMTP server needs at least read access to the file, and if you use the auto_transition feature of Cyrus SASL (see the Cyrus documentation), Postfix will also require write access to the file. If you don’t need the auto_transition feature, it’s best not to give Postfix write access to the password file.
If you have other processes that also need access to the file (such as a POP/IMAPserver), you may have to adjust the ownership and permissions so all the processes that need it can access it. For example, you might want to create an sasl group on your system. Make sure that the postfix user and other accounts that need access to the file are all in that group. If any of the other processes need to update the file, then read-only is too restrictive and you’ll have to provide write access for the processes that need it. To set the permissions to 440 , so that it is read-only and not generally readable by users on the system, type the following commands:
# chown postfix:sasl /etc/sasldb2
# chmod 440 /etc/sasldb2
To create accounts for your SMTP server, use the saslpasswd2 command included with the Cyrus SASL distribution. It stores accounts in /etc/sasldb2. You must specify both a username and an SASL domain. For Postfix the domain should be the value specified in the myhostname parameter. If you use the command postconf -h myhostname to determine your hostname, you can be sure you have the correct one. The following command creates an account for the user kdent:
# saslpasswd2 -c -u `postconf -h myhostname` kdent
Again (for verification):
Enter the password twice, as prompted. The -c option tells saslpasswd2 to create the user account, and -u is used to specify the domain for this account, which you take directly from the Postfix configuration.