Basic NFS Installation

The primary group associated with NFS software is the “NFS file server.” In other words, if you run the following command, yum installs the mandatory packages from that group, nfs-utils and nfs4-acl-tools:

yum 安装NFS file server

# yum groupinstall “NFS file server”

But those are not the only packages of interest for NFS, especially for older versions of NFS (versions 2 and 3) that requires RPC support. Three other packages of interest include

  • portreserve Supports the portreserve service, the successor to portmap for NFS (and Network Information Service [NIS]) communication. Prevents NFS from taking ports needed by other services.
  • quota Provides quota support for shared NFS directories; not absolutely required.
  • rpcbind Includes RPC communication support for different NFS channels.

To make sure all needed packages are installed and operational, run the following commands:


# /etc/init.d/rpcbind start
# /etc/init.d/nfs start

Depending on previous actions, it may help to substitute restart for start in these commands. After each command, you may want to check the result with the rpcbind -p command, as explained later in this chapter. In the next section, you’ll examine the scripts relevant to NFS services.

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