Installing CA Certificates

Your Postfix/TLS server must have access to the public certificate of the CA that signed your server certificate and any CAs that signed certificates for your users. If a single CA signed both, you need only one CA certificate. If you are acting as your own CA, copy the cacert.pem file that was created after you ran the script:

# cp /usr/local/ssl/demoCA/cacert.pem /etc/postfix

If you used a third-party CA to sign your public certificate, place that organization’s PEM-format public certificate in the file /etc/postfix/cacert.pem. You will also need public certificates from any CA that signed client certificates you intend to trust.

There are two different ways to add CA certificates to Postfix/TLS. The first keeps all of the certificates together in a single file defined by the smtpd_tls_CAfile parameter. You simply append new certificates to the existing file. If, for example, your CA cer- tificates are stored in /etc/postfix/cacert.pem, and you have a new certificate stored in a file called newCA.pem, use the following commands to add your new CA certificate:

# cp /etc/postfix/cacert.pem /etc/postfix/cacert.pem.old
# cat newCA.pem >> /etc/postfix/cacert.pem

(Be sure to type two angle brackets so that you don’t overwrite the file.) The other option is to keep all of your CA certificates in separate files. This option makes maintenance of CA certificates a little easier, but the certificates will not be automatically available to a chrooted Postfix. Most likely you would choose this option if you have a lot of CA certificates to deal with. The parameter smtpd_tls_CApath points to a directory where the CA certificates are stored. To add additional certificates, sim- ply copy a new certificate file into the directory and execute the c_rehash utility that comes with OpenSSL. For example, if you have a new certificate stored in a file called newCA.pem and you store all of your certificate files in /etc/postfix/certs, use the follow- ing commands to add it to your Postfix installation:

# cp newCA.pem /etc/postfix/certs
# c_rehash /etc/postfix/certs

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