
There are two basic tabletype options for iptables:

类型 作用
filter Sets a rule for filtering packets.
nat Configures Network Address Translation, also known as masquerading, discussed later in this chapter.

Next is the . There are four basic actions associated with iptables rules:

参数 作用
-A (--append) Appends a rule to the end of a chain.
-D (--delete) Deletes a rule from a chain. Specify the rule by the number or the packet pattern.
-L (--list) Lists the currently configured rules in the chain.
-F (--flush) Flushes all of the rules in the current iptables chain.
INPUT All incoming packets are checked against the rules in this chain.
OUTPUT All outgoing packets are checked against the rules in this chain.
FORWARD All packets being sent to another computer are checked against the rules in this chain.
-s ip_address All packets are checked for a specific source IP address.
-d ip_address All packets are checked for a specific destination IP address.
DROP The packet is dropped. No message is sent to the requesting


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